Thursday, June 24, 2010

What the heck is a CSA?

I asked that question at one point too. Its community supported agriculture. Ie: you pay a set price, a certain price for half share, and a certain price for whole share, and pay upfront. The CSA uses the money to start and tend veggies/fruits, and every week when done, you pick them up! Everyone gets the same amount of whats ready that week. Most are organic, or use no pesticides, and some grow heirloom varieties of veggies. Ours is at, you can also google it and find one near you. This is a great way to have your kids know where their food comes from, and most encourage you to bring them along...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Food journals

Today, I started keeping a food journal. I found a great, free, printable one from I like that you can save favorite meal items, and it calculates everything for you. I've just started yoga at the Y, and also signed up for resistance ball classes. I am adding spinning in between days. I have a goal of losing 20 lbs before I go on our vacation with my mom, which is July 28th. I have really not done a serious food journal before, but cannot seem to lose ANY weight. So, I think I have just not been eating close to 1200 calories. The program even estimates your BMI and how many calories you should eat based on how fast you wanna gain/lose weight. I might even do this for our larger girl to see where she should be eating calorie wise. She eats more than me... I did such a hard class last week, I am still sore(this was Thursday, and its Sunday!)