Friday, September 24, 2010

Fall Mediterranean Main dishes

Jordanian Mansf recipe: (lamb and rice dish):

Lemon oregano chicken and grilled zucchini:

Chicken tabbouli:

Chicken braised in olive oil and peppers:

Fall Mediterranean recipes... soups

Lebanese lentil soup:

Fall mediterranean recipes...appetizers

Stuffed grape leaves:

Fresh figs with peppered honey:

Badenjen Dip recipe:

Baba ganoush on pita:

Mediterannean diet

Deemed the most healthy of all food plans. I am currently learning more on this subject, and trying to incorporate more of these ideas into our family diet. Pulses, olive oil for butter, honey for sugar (occasionally), more avocados, and less red meat, more fish and chicken, and lamb, and fresh, in season fruits and veggies.... Recipes of my favorites to come!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Eat clean sweet potato chips

This is actually a clean eating food! How much better can it get? Get the recipe here:

Spicy sweet potato soup and raw dessert

This is from a favorite mostly raw site called Melomeals. Look her up, she's AMAZING!

Butternut squash muffins

These are SO pretty! the vanilla bean flecks can be seen even this far away! Find this here:

Apple spice muffins

I can almost smell the spices here folks! Get the recipe at:

Pumpkin butter

This has to be my fave of the day for sure! Oh the COLOR! You can find the recipe here:

Pumpkin smoothies

What a gorgeous color this fall superfood gem is! This lovely is from:

Pumpkin pepita muffins

Here in our little corner of NW. Ohio, we get lots of squash from our CSA, and need to find yummy ways to use it up! Here are some of the most beautiful I've found today! This one of the pumpkin pepita muffins are from