Saturday, March 6, 2010

Current breads I've done

Amish Honey wheat rhubarb muffins with the first rhubarb of the season!

Eating Well's Honey wheat bread

My basic first loaf of boule from Artisian Bread in 5 min a day.

Following the Artisian Bread in 5 min a day... But also did a few others this week as well. I'm baking the Artisian free form rye today thats ready to go in the fridge.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Vita-cost wholesale pricing

I found a new website to buy from that saves mucho time for us with lots o' kids! Vita-cost! Their prices are below store pricing, and its a fixed price to ship. That = must buy! They have everything from hemp oil to grocery items. And hard to find Nuvita items cheap as can be....

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ani Phyo's new book!!!!!

Her new essentials book is due out April 1st! You can follow this link to preorder!

Raw carob/cacao bark

Well, I've been satistying some sweets cravings with this bark, and its a great way to "sneak" in some healthy coconut butter to kids tummies! and some cranberries, coconut shreds, or whatever! Here's the recipe I used.

1 cup raw coconut butter/oil

3/4 cup raw cacao, or carob

2t vanilla extract

1 cup raisins, coconut shreds,cranberries,almonds, whatever...

melt coconut butter and cacao and vanilla over double boiler, or as I used, a bowl over a saucepan filled 1/4 way up with water. Boil water gently, and stir with a whisk till incorperated. Take off heat, add items you like, and put on plate lined with a piece of wax paper that has been Pam'd. Put in freezer for about 2o min till hard.