Have not posted for awhile... But, I'm BACK.... I've made it to 150 lbs, thats down 12. And had my second fat testing done. I am down signifigantly in the fat lbs and up signifigantly in the lean muscle catagory. I've lost 2 inches on thighs, hips, and waist. So very happy about that. My goal is to get down another 5 lbs before I leave for "home" for vacation on the 19th of Jan. That would put me in the healthy range of weight. My favorite new blog is called food snob. She has wonderful meal ideas and pictures of even what she bought at the natural food store. I wish we had as much local food here as they do in Minnesota! Here are some goals for the new year...
1. Eat more fruits/veggies/beans/
2. Eat more local produce when in season.
3.Can more next summer
4.Grow a bigger, organic garden next summer
5.Hit the farmers market next season every month
6.Continue to lose weight, and gain muscle. (145 goal by Jan. 19th)
7.Continue to educate my children about a healthy diet, and feed them better
8.Drink more water! 8 glasses/day goal, buy a sigg or similar bottle
9.Take pictures of meals, do meal plans
10. Shop at Trader Joes' once a month (its an hour away)